Bump Diaries | 15 weeks 4/4/17

Baby girl is the size of a pear.

Very emotional today. I may have set my own self up for failure early on by mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. It has a delicate way of dragging us into reactive mode real quick and before you know it, like a deer in headlights, you are hypnotized into a place of lack. It can be very unhealthy for our psyche. Thus began my downward spiral as I continued about my day.

Now if you’re tapped in tuned in your feelings can become a source of inspiration moving you towards the path of least resistance.

I cried three times today.

I’m not ashamed. Crying is the way your eyes speak when your mouth can’t explain. So yea. I cried. I cried because the life I envision seems so far from my reality. I cried because I became the person I never thought I’d be. I cried because I willingly let outside sources dictate my everyday life and at some point you look back and realize it’s been that way for years.

It’s okay to feel.

Sometimes we have commitments we are contracted for, some arrangement or not, that require us to fulfill a duty for a period of time. We can honor this while still feeling fully inline with our deepest self. When we vibrate at a higher frequency, wherever we are in life, we inherently draw our desires to us. It’s the journey, not the destination.